
Duke, a chat bot assistant for task management

View the Project on GitHub cheongsiuhong/duke

Duke User Guide

Duke is a chat bot that helps you manage your tasks.


Duke manages a task list that can store:

  1. Todos
  2. Events (at a location)
  3. Deadlines (by a certain date and time)

For managing tasks, Duke can:

  1. Mark a task as done
  2. Delete a specific task
  3. Replace a specific task with another one
  4. Find task by keyword



Duke will output the current list of tasks


Usage: todo args

Duke will add a todo with description args to the task list

Example: todo write user guide


Usage: event args /at place

Duke will add an event with description args and location place to the task list

Example: event hackathon /at school of computing


Usage: deadline args /by date time

Duke will add a deadline with description args, date date and time time.

date must be in format d/M/yyyy

time must be in format HHmm

Example: deadline CS2103 project /by 31/10/2019 2359


Usage: done num

Duke will mark the task at index num as done.

Example: done 4


Usage: delete num

Duke will delete the task at index num.

Example: delete 1


Usage: find args

Duke returns a sub-list of all tasks that contain args in the task description.

Example: find coding assignment


Usage: update num command

Duke replaces the task at index num with a new task created by command.

Example: update 3 todo add new functionality